Famous Sayings and Quotes by Helen Keller

Picture Quotes From Helen Keller

Life is an exciting business, and most exciting.. Helen Keller  life quotes

Life is an exciting business, and most exciting when it is lived for others - Helen Keller. View more images...

Helen Keller picture quotes - Once i knew only darkness and stillness... my life was.. - Life quotes

Once I knew only darkness and stillness... my life was without past or future... but a little word from the fingers of another fell into my hand that clutched at emptiness, and my heart leaped to the rapture of living. - Helen Keller. View more images...

How to make picture quotes about friendship - Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone..

Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light. - Helen Keller. View more images...

Design your own picture quotes about success - I long to accomplish a great and noble tasks,..

I long to accomplish a great and noble tasks, but it is my chief duty to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble. The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker. - Helen Keller. View more images...

Quote about inspirational - The best and most beautiful things in the world..

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart. - Helen Keller. View more images...

Success quote - Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. only through experience..

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. - Helen Keller. View more images...

Quote about love - As selfishness and complaint pervert the mind, so love with..

As selfishness and complaint pervert the mind, so love with its joy clears and sharpens the vision. - Helen Keller. View more images...

Life quotes - So long as the memory of certain beloved friends lives in..

So long as the memory of certain beloved friends lives in my heart, I shall say that life is good. - Helen Keller. View more images...