Quote Picture From Robert McAfee Brown

How does one keep from 'growing old inside'? Surely only in community. The only way to make friends with time is to stay friends with peopleā€¦. Taking community seriously not only gives us the companionship we need, it also relieves us of the notion that we are indispensable.

Robert McAfee Brown

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Quote about friendship - How does one keep from 'growing old inside'? surely only..


Quotes about friendship - How does one keep from 'growing old inside'? surely..


Friendship quotes - How does one keep from 'growing old inside'? surely only in community...


Make picture quotes about friendship - How does one keep from 'growing old inside'? surely only..


Make custom picture quote about friendship - How does one keep from 'growing old inside'? surely only in..


Friendship quotes - How does one keep from 'growing old inside'? surely only in community...


Friendship sayings - How does one keep from 'growing old inside'? surely only..


Friendship quotes - How does one keep from 'growing old inside'?..


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