Make Samuel Butler Picture Quote

A friend who cannot at a pinch remember a thing or two that never happened is as bad as one who does not know how to forget.

Samuel Butler

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Create graphic picture quotes about friendship - A friend who cannot at a pinch remember a thing or..


Friendship quotes - A friend who cannot at a pinch remember a thing or..


A friend who cannot at a pinch remember a thing or two that never happened.. Samuel Butler  friendship quotes


Design poster quotes about friendship - A friend who cannot at a pinch remember a thing or two that never..


Samuel Butler poster quotes - A friend who cannot at a pinch remember a thing or two that.. - Friendship quotes


Quotes about friendship - A friend who cannot at a pinch remember a thing or two that never..


Samuel Butler picture quotes - A friend who cannot at a pinch remember a thing or two that never.. - Friendship quotes


Friendship quote - A friend who cannot at a pinch remember a thing or two that..


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