Edmund Cooke Quotes AboutInspirational

You are beaten to earth?/ Well, well, what's that?/ Come up with a smiling face,/ It's nothing against you to fall down flat/ But to lie there-that's a disgrace.

Edmund Cooke

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Quotes about inspirational - You are beaten to earth?/ well, well, what's that?/ come up with..


Edmund Cooke picture quotes - You are beaten to earth?/ well, well, what's that?/.. - Inspirational quotes


Make picture quotes about inspirational - You are beaten to earth?/ well, well, what's that?/..


Inspirational sayings - You are beaten to earth?/ well, well, what's that?/ come up with a smiling..


Inspirational quote - You are beaten to earth?/ well, well, what's..


How to make picture quotes about inspirational - You are beaten to earth?/ well, well, what's..


Design picture quotes about inspirational - You are beaten to earth?/ well, well, what's that?/ come up with a smiling..


You are beaten to earth?/ well, well, what's that?/.. Edmund Cooke good inspirational quotes


Inspirational quote - You are beaten to earth?/ well, well, what's that?/ come up..


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