Picture Quotes About Life (Page 171 of 323)

What i like about cities is that everything.. Joseph Brodsky great life quotes

What I like about cities is that everything is king size, the beauty and the ugliness. - Joseph Brodsky. View more images...

Quotes about life - If you don't love life you can't enjoy an oyster; there is a..

If you don't love life you can't enjoy an oyster; there is a shock of freshness to it and intimations of the ages of man, some piercing intuition of the sea and all its weeds and breezes. [They] shiver you for a split second. - Eleanor Clark. View more images...

Life quotes - Life is islands of ecstasy in an ocean of ennui,..

Life is islands of ecstasy in an ocean of ennui, and after the age of thirty land is seldom seen - Luke Rhinehart. View more images...

Quotes about life - Life is a one-way street, and we are not coming back.

Life is a one-way street, and we are not coming back. - Anon. View more images...

Life quote - Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard..

Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing. - Theodore Roosevelt. View more images...

Quotes about life - Being taken for granted can be a compliment. it means that..

Being taken for granted can be a compliment. It means that you've become a comfortable, trusted element in another person's life. - Joyce Brothers. View more images...

How to design picture quotes about life - Only as high as i reach can i grow, only as far as i seek..

Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be. - Karen Ravn. View more images...

This life of separateness may be compared.. Buddha top life quote

This life of separateness may be compared to a dream, a phantasm, a bubble, a shadow, a drop of dew, a flash of lightning. - Buddha. View more images...

Life quotes - If you want to achieve things in life, you've..

If you want to achieve things in life, you've just got to do them, and if you're talented and smart, you'll succeed. - Juliana Hatfield. View more images...

Caroline Kennedy photo sayings - It's true, christmas can feel like a lot of work, particularly.. - Life quotes

It's true, Christmas can feel like a lot of work, particularly for mothers. But when you look back on all the Christmases in your life, you'll find you've created family traditions and lasting memories. Those memories, good and bad, are really what help to keep a family together over the long haul. - Caroline Kennedy. View more images...

Quotes about life - The world is made up of people who never quite get into..

The world is made up of people who never quite get into the first team and who just miss the prizes at the flower show. - Jacob Bronowski. View more images...

Life quotes - You must always believe that life is as extraordinary..

You must always believe that life is as extraordinary as music says it is. - Rebecca West. View more images...

We cannot live only for ourselves. a thousand fibers connect.. Herman Melville famous life quotes

We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men; and among those fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects. - Herman Melville. View more images...

Customize picture sayings about life - In a time of drastic change, it is the learners..

In a time of drastic change, it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned find themselves equipped to live in a world which no longer exists. - Eric Hoffer. View more images...

Create graphic picture quotes about life - The life of man is the true romance, which when it is valiantly conduced,..

The life of man is the true romance, which when it is valiantly conduced, will yield the imagination a higher joy than any fiction. - Ralph Waldo Emerson. View more images...